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Young Women

Young Women

If you are a “millennial”, then you are part of a diverse cohort of women between the ages of 22 and 37 years old. This is a critical phase of development and transition from young dependent to flourishing adult. When it comes to romance and relationships, today you have countless options available to you, because,  unlike previous generations, you have grown up in a virtual world of social networks full of dating and globalization applications. In turn, the virtual world can be overwhelming and lead to physical-emotional immobilization and dissatisfaction in general. As a millennial, you live in a culture of comparison, where your real life is incessantly questioned, in relation to that of others as you observe it through the virtual lens. This modality can expose you to a constant state of self-criticism, anxiety and insecurity.

Veronica offers coaching for young women on a wide
variety of topics that include:

Independence and Individuation

Independence and Individuation

Finances and Budgeting

Finances and Budgeting

Positive Relationships: Friends, Family, Romance

Positive Relationships: Friends, Family, Romance

Finding True Love

Finding True Love

Communication Skills

Communication Skills

Anxiety, Depression and Resilience

Anxiety, Depression and Resilience

Self-esteem and Self-confidence

Self-esteem and Self-confidence

Family Conflict

Family Conflict

Passion and Purpose

Passion and Purpose

Stress Management

Stress Management

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques

Visualization Techniques

Visualization Techniques

Take your life to the next level, schedule your

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Exploratory Session with Veronica!